Meditherm steam generator

Meditherm steam generator

The plus points of the Meditherm steam generator

  • RUKU-Meditherm steam device with active ingredient vaporiser as an add-on device for dry saunas and Thermium

  • For all types of steam baths, from mild warm air baths to steam baths with up to 100 % relative humidity.

  • Fully shaped vaporiser that is mounted on the wall inside the cabin. Ceran® glass cooktop hotplate with 2 kW heating power - 230V. Stainless steel water tank with up to 4 litre capacity. Steam outlet in elegant ceramic. The integrated active ingredient container is suitable for vaporising real herbs and essential oils.

  • Easy and hassle-free cleaning of all removable parts - dishwasher-safe.

  • The vaporiser is clad with abachi wood in the shape of a flower to protect against accidental contact.

  • The appliance has an automatic safety switch-off function, which is triggered when all the water has been used up.

  • Own production - GS mark from TÜV Bavaria for tested safety


Operation is via a comfort climate control system:

  • Modern microcontroller technology

  • Exact temperature control thanks to two-sensor system

  • 4-digit 7-segment LED display

  • 24-hour preset time

  • Automatic drying programme

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